Gore presentation

Gore presentation

We have posted in the past the video of Gore’s CEO Terry Kelly. In her 45 minutes talk she is speaking of Gore’s products for a couple of minutes dedicating all the rest of her talk to Gore’s culture. This is normal, given the importance of culture...
Courtesy not authority to guide people in London

Courtesy not authority to guide people in London

Here is an interesting op-ed “A more inclusive fabric” by the New York Times editorialist Roger Cohen from March 11, 2012. It seems that courtesy and civility can guide people behavior not only in some companies (such as Freedom Incs.) but in this jungle...

The Brains Behind Self-Management: Why We Are All Self-Managers By Paul J. Zak Synaptein’s Spring 2012 issue (published by Morning Star’s Self-management Institute) has an article by a Californian neuroscientist Paul Zak. Zak begins with Peter Drucker and...
Deming, Total Quality, and the Fundamental Respect for People

Deming, Total Quality, and the Fundamental Respect for People

Edward Deming is known as the father of the quality movement. TQM became a fixeture of many industrial and non-industrial companies. Yet, according to studies two thirds of companies consider that TQM hasn’t met their expectations. Is it TQM’s or Dr....
Our article in Forbes on Bob Davids’ leadership philosophy

Our article in Forbes on Bob Davids’ leadership philosophy

 Bob Davids’ 30 Top Tips To Stop Being A “Smart Boss”   By Isaac Getz May 6, 2012 We need smart people. Our universities are focused on producing just that. Those who come out on top are the smartest and hence succeed in business, law and politics....