Financial Times on Bureaucracy

Financial Times on Bureaucracy

  In this 2016  Financial Times article Andrew Hills reviews the emerigning trend of ideas on the defficiencies of the  bureacratic organization.  Business: How to Topple Bureaucracy Andrew Hill, April 14, 2016 To continue...
Gary Bertoline’s breakdown of a true leader – 10’30 video

Gary Bertoline’s breakdown of a true leader – 10’30 video

Bob Davids has attracted our attention to the TEDx  What To Look For In Great Leaders  by Gary Bertoline, Professor at Purdue University Bob commented that it’s “the best simple overview breakdown of a leader I’ve seen.” Here it is.  ...
Bob Davids’ radio interview with the Voice of America (53′)

Bob Davids’ radio interview with the Voice of America (53′)

Here is a radio interview on “Leadership without Ego” that Bob Davids gave to Wanda Wallace of Voice of America. He covers there his views on leadership and entrepreneurship, all illustrated by a variety of examples, stories, and anecdotes.
Our op-ed in Management Today

Our op-ed in Management Today

Why your employees hate their jobs (and how to sort it) There is a universal human need for responsibility and freedom. by Isaac Getz Published: 12 Mar 2020  Humans by nature like to be in control. It’s a behaviour that kept us alive from our earliest...