Inc. Magazine and Freedom Inc. on vacation

How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy by Lauren Folino 1 MARCH  2010 If you are contemplating the terms of a workplace vacation policy, a critical step is to determine whether or not it benefits your business to have one at all. Some workplaces have decided to scrap...

An entrepreneur appreciating Freedom, Inc.

David finds Freedom, Inc. helpful to build his company the right way, from the start Over the last two weeks I’ve been thinking quite a bit about our values. What do we want CityVoice to stand for? And what do we need to put in place to reinforce those values? Like...

The Fayetteville Observer on people

Your people are your greatest asset by Sid Gautam 9 FEBRUARY  2010 During the last 20 years we have seen time and again that the bigger the corporation is, the worse it performs. One of the reasons for the inefficiency is the culture of the most unproductive...

London’s CITY A.M. review

When you liberate your employees, productivity and profit will follow by Alexander Deane 28 JANUARY  2010 WE LIVE in a society in which we’re always watched – not just by the state, but in the workplace, too. Keen to cut costs and direct workforce activities with...

The Globe and Mail review

Freedom: the avenue to engagement by Harvey Schachter JANUARY 27, 2010 We celebrate freedom. We consider it a hallmark of our political and economic systems. Business leaders are quick with paeans to the freedom of the capitalist system, and the perils of shackling...

Publisher’s Picks: Top Books of 2009

Freedom, Inc. is in the Top 10 Books of 2009 January 9, 2010 Publisher’s Picks: Top Books of 2009 By David DesRosiers The financial collapse of 2008 spawned a myriad of books attempting to make sense of it. While our list is by no means...