Enlivening Edge logoErwin Van Waeleghem is a police commissioner in Belgium. But he is more. He is currently transforming the local police along the lines very similar to liberated companies. It is not surprise hence, that Erwin likes “Freedom, Inc.” and decided to wirite about it.

From a How-organization to a Liberating Why-organization

By Erwin Van Waeleghem

Are you in search of a proven way to boost productivity, profit, and success in your organization? No need to look further. By liberating the individual initiative and risk-taking instincts of your employees, you will reach highs you never dreamed of.

How, you ask? A must-read for all social innovators, Freedom, Inc. can teach you the why, how, and what, highlighting examples of some of the best social innovations in the world.

At the beginning of this year, I was lucky enough to receive a very nice New Year’s present from a Belgian publisher. This young woman—co-owner of Die Keure publishers—gave me their Dutch translation ofFreedom, Inc. after hearing about my own social innovation work. She told me it would be worth reading, since it totally concurred with my own ideas about how organizations should develop in future. How right she was!

Freedom, Inc. was first published in 2009, written by Isaac Getz, a Paris-based professor at the world’s oldest business school (ESCP Europe) and Brian M. Carney, an American technology start-up executive and former editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal.

You can read the full article here.