Our book has won the Best Business Book of the Year Award

Our book has won the Best Business Book of the Year Award

Our book "The liberated company" (in French) which came out with Fayard in Nov. 2017, has won the Best Business Book of the Year award by Rotary France. The ceremony has been held in the French Parliament (Assemblée Nationale) on May 2016. The book consists of various...

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Leaders must abandon their egos

Leaders must abandon their egos

Leaders must abandon their egos Jenny Roper, APRIL 17, 2018 Having a large ego might be necessary to become CEO but will ultimately hold an organisation back Leaders must abandon their egos and be truly authentic to be most effective, according to Isaac Getz,...

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Who should decide when and where to work? – HRD Connect

Who should decide when and where to work? – HRD Connect

Who should decide when and where to work? Author Professor Isaac Getz Date published February 12, 2018 Judging by the number of procedures and memos in most organisations, it is HR departments who help decide when and where people should work. By saying this to...

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Liberate your employees or pay the price for stress

Liberate your employees or pay the price for stress

Here is our article originally published on  Changeboard In their studies of the stress levels of more than 10,000 British civil servants, psychologists Bosma, Stansfeld and Marmot found that men who feel they have little control over their jobs are 50% more likely to...

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